Friday, December 19, 2008

New Contest!

I want the winner circle to get has some room for more of you! So here is another little contest.... I love lists...I make lists for everything. This contest is about a "list", your list, your wish list for Christmas. I know you all have them! Start thinking if money were no object, or as funny or serious or sad or happy or frivolous as they may seem what is your (yes, not your kids, spouse, dog cat, cousin, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.) wish or wishes. If it be world peace, great more power to you but I want to know your wishes for this Holiday and why you want it. Make a comment on this section and you will be entered for a very very cute prize. ALL you have to do is comment your wish or wishes and the whys...if you have 20+ great, I will love them. You are not exempt if you have already won...I recommend that you spread the always makes the judges sit up and take notice if you bring in new readers. Also I am going to be doing some Christmas baking this weekend so watch for new posts on fun recipes. Comment as many times as you want all day long....
Have fun!


Erin said...

My wishes for 2009 are:

-My husband to find a job (currently unemployed :( )
-My kids to stay healthy
-Get started on teaching certification
-Be less of a procrastinator and finish A LOT of projects : )

Holly said...

I love your list....what does your husband do for a profession??

Nancy Niederer said...

I wish that those beams from Star Treck were real! We could just beam ourselves to our family and friends who live far away! I'd love to go out for a quick lunch with old friends with no trouble, packing, or planning necessary! Who's with me? Beam me up, Scottie!

Becca's Blog said...

* I'd wish for some fairy dust, to help me everyone else's wishes come true.
* I'd wish to move Australia a little closer to America so it wasn't so far away to visit! (Maybe if I had greater faith I could move mountains and Australia?!)
* I'd wish for my mum to be able to hear so we could talk on the phone for hours and I could tell her all my joys and problems. Somehow a letter just doesn't quite always convey your fears, joys and frustrations in the same way a personal conversation with your mum can.
* I'd wish for the "beam me up Scottie" thing too! I'd wish to travel in the "Twinklin' of an eye"
then maybe I wouldn't have to move mountains or another country! I guess that gives us all something to strive for. ;)
* I'd wish for a magic pill that could make me be more patient and less grumpy when my kids are driving me crazy!
* And then in the spirit of Miss Congeniality, I'd wish for World Peace!